About Us
"we offer you an easy to use, cost effective way to get the information you need to attract deposits or invest excess liquidity"

About Us

Don't waste valuable time obtaining old information that could cause you to miss new opportunities. Know the current market conditions now. Trade directly with each financial institution.

This break through system enables you to focus on the material you need as you weed out the items you don't need. Whether you are a bank, credit union, or savings and loan association, we offer you an easy to use, cost effective way to get the information you need to attract deposits or invest excess liquidity.

No third party transactions. No wasted time downloading information, or waiting for technical support. What you get is fast, accurate information online, every time you sign on. No per transaction fees, just one cost-effective subscription rate that covers everything. Your portfolio can't afford the past.

With National CD Rateline, you will have the latest technology at your service linking you directly to a qualified audience that actively trades in the market daily. With National CD Rateline, you will be making informed decisions and informed decisions are right decisions.