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The Community

“… the fastest, most compatible, flexible, user-friendly, and least dictatorial in the business…”

The Community

Like many successful corporate organization's today, a rock solid cornerstone on which we have built National CD Rateline is the enlightened value we place on giving back to the community, the country, the causes that touched those near and dear to us.

We are glad to be able to help nationally and regionally recognized non-profit organizations dedicated to those in need. And we do so on a regular basis. We give back because it reaffirms our sense of what we stand for, who we are.

Our pride of accomplishment is tempered with the recognition that we owe much of our success to the basic tenets on which America was founded: generosity of spirit and a helping hand. This conviction guides us in contributing time and financial assistance to a spectrum of major worthy endeavors such as these:

  • Easter Seals
  • The Christopher Reeves Foundation
  • The United Spinal Association
  • The Eastern Wheelchair Athletes Foundation
  • Breast Cancer Foundations
  • College Scholarship Funding
  • Parkinson’s Disease Foundations
  • Autism Foundations
As long we continue to prosper, we intend to see that groups like these and those they represent continue to grow and flourish apace.