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Sales/Marketing Division

“… we do all we can to keep our company present and accounted for in the national financial marketplace…”

Sales/Marketing Division

National CD Rateline didn’t become the success we are by isolating ourselves in some electronic version of an ivory tower. Far from it. Each week we are in direct contact with bankers discussing the market, offering insight, discussing your needs and offering real solutions.

In other words we do all we can to keep our company present and accounted for in the national financial marketplace. We schedule meetings with potential clients to present our products and talk on a regular basis to discuss recent developments with many clients who value our input, as we value theirs.

We pride ourselves on being knowledgable and up to the moment on all aspects of the multiple services we provide, We reinforce thisfamiliarity by attending major finance-related trade shows valuing the chance they offer to rub shoulders with the real world of today and what’s on the drawing board for tomorrow.